Welcome to the Singer Savvy Academy Affiliate Partner Program!

It’s an HONOR to have you partner with us!

🔖Bookmark this page!🔖

How the Singer Savvy Academy Affiliate Partner Program is Different

If you’ve been part of an affiliate program before, most likely you were given an affiliate URL to send out or post on social media or embed on your website.

And that’s it. No guidance. No promotion. And little to no money.

But I want you to make LOTS of money!!

You WILL get a unique affiliate URL that you should share far and wide (and I have lots of ideas on how you can do that).

But, not to repeat myself, I want you to make LOTS of money SOON!

We are going to kick off your Partner Program with a bang! We are going to plan a LAUNCH!

What does that mean?

Well, it means we are going to create an irresistible event (in the form of a live webinar) for your audience.

We’re going to come up with a plan for promotion, outreach, and webinar execution that will be laid out for you – and I will be with you every step of the way!

I will be here to help you strategize how to reach out to your audience, I will give you all the assets that you need to send out (including emails that you just need to personalize), I will be available to do live promotions before the webinar, and I will support you in any way you need.

When your launch is over (and you deposit that big fat check), you will still have that affiliate link to continue to make passive income.

And 2 or 3 times a year, you will have more opportunities to do a launch, if you’d like!

And the first course we are going to launch is my most popular signature course, Piano Savvy for Singers.

Piano Savvy for Singers

Piano Savvy for Singers is a “soup-to-nuts” course that gives singers and voice teachers the very specific tools that they need to be able to find a level of mastery at the piano that will support their singing and/or teaching.

There are 26 instructional videos, workbooks, scale and chord sheets, 3 interviews with pianists giving their expert advice, and a series of motivational emails to keep the student on track.

Students will learn all the skills that they need by following the F.O.R.M. Method.


Section 1: Fundamentals 

In this series of videos, we will cover the technique of playing and reading. You will learn and understand the importance of major and minor scales, triads, inversions, and seventh chords, key signatures, popular chord progressions, and developing coordination between the hands.

Section 1 lays the foundation for everything you need to master at the piano.

Original Material

Section 2: Original Material 

In this series of videos, we will cover how to create new material when you have been given very little guidance like accompanying vocalizes, playing from a lead sheet, playing a 12-bar blues, and figuring out what to do with your left hand.

Section 2 provides the back bone to creating something from nothing on the piano that will serve you at all levels of playing.

Section 3: Reducing Accompaniments 

In this series of videos, we will cover how to reduce complex accompaniments to a simpler more manageable style. You will learn how to analyze a vocal score, simplify accompaniments in various styles like classical, musical theatre, pop, and jazz, and break down choral scores. I will also give you tips on accompanying singers.

Section 3 gives you the tools to break down accompaniments so you can play them well enough to sound like you know what you are doing.

Reducing Accompaniments

Section 4: Mastery 

In these final videos, we will cover how to develop the skills you need to find independence in your playing. We cover the importance and technique of sight reading as well as effective practicing techniques.

Section 4 takes what you have learned in the previous three sections and helps you develop the efficiency and ease you need in your playing.

Also included with Piano Savvy for Singers

Piano Savvy Workbook – A workbook that you can print out or use on your computer with all the exercises and musical examples used in the video lessons

Savvy Scales Workbook – Scales and fingerings for all 12 major and minor keys

Chord Cheat Sheet – Chord chart in all 12 keys of the diatonic scales

Vocal-ease – Vocalizes and accompaniments written out

PRO Tips – Three video interviews with master pianists/accompaniments with tips to improve your playing

Musical Motivation – 8 weeks of personalized emails with motivation and additional tips

Piano Savvy for Singers has a value of OVER $5400

But your audience will be able to enroll for $547!

And as a bonus, just for YOUR audience….

I am including FREE enrollment in my 2nd most popular course, Sight Singing Made Simple.


I am offering unlimited micro-coachings for 6 months (a $1200 value).

For six months, they can schedule UNLIMITED 15 minute coachings with me LIVE (via Zoom) to help them on their piano playing journey!

Click HERE to see the Commission Structure and an estimate on how much $$ you could earn on this launch.

Who is Piano Savvy for Singers right for?

Professional/Pre-Professional Singers

Professional Singer

If you have new music to learn for a show and you have to hire a pianist to create a rehearsal track for you…or you have a hard time getting motivated to practice because you hate singing accapella…or you want to be able to converse intelligently about what you need in a chart with your collaborative musicians…then you need Piano Savvy for Singers. You will gain the skills that will give you the confidence and musical independence so that you can focus on what you do best…SING.

Voice Teachers

Voice Teacher

If you struggle with your piano skills when you are trying to accompany your students or you are spending too much money on accompanists to play for your students, Piano Savvy for Singers is exactly what you need. You will gain the skills that will support your teaching so that you can focus on what your students need without spending so much money to do so.

Voice Students

Voice Student

If you are taking voice lessons, you are spending lots of money trying to improve your singing. But how much time and energy do you spend learning your music and practicing efficiently? Your voice teacher doesn’t have the time to teach you your music. And if he/she does teach you your music, you are not taking full advantage of what they have to offer as voice teachers. If you had the piano skills to learn your music on your own, you would gain so much more in your voice lessons and Piano Savvy for Singers will give you those skills.

To get a taste of Piano Savvy for Singers, CLICK HERE to see some excerpts from the instructional videos.

The Calendar of Your Launch

Make sure to enter all the dates in your calendar

Pre-launch Teaser: 2 or 3 weeks before the webinar
Teasing to your audience that “something’s coming!”

Pre-launch Promotion: 1 week before the webinar
Emails, social media, lives, etc. to generate excitement and get webinar registrations

Live Webinar
This is when the cart opens

Cart Closes: 7 days after the webinar
Emails and social media posts informing your audience of the deadline

Payday: about one month after the cart closes


Your Affiliate Links for the Launch

Webinar Registrations


Piano Savvy for Singers 


Strategies for a Successful Launch


Mark all the pre-launch, launch, and cart close dates in your calendar

Use the spreadsheets in the Partner Vault and Affiliate Area

Put all of the swipe files, images, and other assets in a folder in Google Drive or on your computer

Prepare your social media posts and emails in advance and then schedule them using a CRM or social media scheduling program


How much money would you like to make?

How many audience members do you want to reach out to?

What are you going to do with your commissions?

Use the Savvy Partner Profit Predictor to get clear on how to reach those goals


You may have an email list that you could just send emails about your launch to, but I want you to think outside the box.

There are those in your first ring of influence – those are your close friends, family, and students. These people are probably on your list already.

Then in your second ring of influence, there are colleagues, singers you’ve performed with, and students you have had contact with in programs.

Finally, in your third ring of influence, there are Facebook groups, teachers or singers in professional groups that you are associated with, and people you’ve met at events, conferences, and performances.

Brainstorm with the Savvy Audience List in the Partner Vault and don’t edit! Write down every possible name!


Piano Savvy for Singers comes with a boatload of bonuses and truly, the course sells itself!

BUT think how much sweeter the deal could be if you offer your audience something from YOU!

Some ideas: a free voice lesson, an Amazon or Starbucks gift card, a free or discounted career consultation, enrollment in a course you offer, a gift certificate to your favorite restaurant, a 1:1 coffee date with you, a freebie that you have to share that might relate to Piano Savvy for Singers…the possibilities are endless!


I am giving you lots of swipe files that you will be able to personalize and send off.

But you want to make sure that whatever you put out there is clear and enticing, promoting the “irresistible offer.”

First off, you want to let your audience know that you are an affiliate partner of Singer Savvy Academy. You can say something like, “If you enroll in Piano Savvy for Singers, I will receive a commission and that’s why I can provide you with a bonus at no additional cost to you! I only promote products I believe in and can stand behind 100%.”

In the Partner Vault, you will find several swipe files with variations of messaging. So you can find the messaging that you feel will speak to your audience best and just copy and paste.


Your success in the launch falls, in part, how and how often you reach out to your audience.

You may be completely turned off by the idea of “selling” anything and you might feel uncomfortable contacting people in your rings of influence more than once.

But there is a law of marketing that says the average person needs to see an offer a minimum of SEVEN times before they will take action.

Don’t think about reaching out to your audience multiple times as a bother. You are sharing an exciting opportunity with them, and they will thank you for it!


Start early – We find that the most successful affiliates plant seeds ahead of the launch by telling stories related to the topics above! Begin emailing on Day #1 of the launch and stick with it through the end.

Be in it to win it – You never know whose life/business could be transformed and have you to thank for it. Don’t be shy about promoting right up until the cart closes.

Get up close and personal – Especially if you don’t have a “big email list,” personal outreach is one of the best ways to share this opportunity with people who’d benefit. Create your Outreach List and get connecting!

Use multiple platforms – Pick a few different places and share away!

Get creative – Host a live Q&A, hop on the phone with people, and in general get creative when it comes to customizing your outreach + follow-up.

Take this tip and run with it – Resend emails to unopens with different subject lines! It really works to boost your open rates and get more reach out of your emails.

Don’t be afraid to get silly – Use fun subject lines to inspire people to open + read your emails!

Host Regina on your platform – Have Regina on your podcast, in your group, or for a FB/IG Live so that people can learn her style.

The Partner Vault – Your Launch Assets

In the Partner Vault, you will find Google docs/sheets and images that will set you up for a successful launch. Click on the image to access all the assets you need.

In the vault you will find:

  • Calendar with outreach suggestions
  • Partner Profit Predictor
  • Savvy Audience List
  • Pre-launch emails that you can personalize
  • Cart open email series
  • Images for social media and emails

Singer Savvy Academy Brand Story



Your Next Steps

You are now armed with a whole lot of information and a whole lot of assets! This is what you should do now:


  • Make a list of people this offer would be perfect for in the Audience List
  • Set your sales goals with the Partner Profit Predictor
  • Personalize the swipe copy and schedule them to go out
  • Mark all dates of the pre-, mid-, and post-launch in your calendar


  • Start teasing your audience on social media or in your weekly content or emails that an exciting opportunity is coming
  • Mention me and our relationship and send them to my online bio 
  • Create a waitlist page and list to start gathering an interest list

I am so excited to work with you on this launch!

I will be reaching out via email or text with more info and check-ins. But if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at partners@singersavvyacademy.com

And if you want to meet again for another strategy session, I am here for you!