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It’s time to close the gap between the dream that you envision and the reality you’re living 


Transform Your Singing Talent into Your Full-Time Singing Career

An 8-week, Comprehensive Program for Aspiring Professional Singers Who Want the Tools to Create a Successful and Financially Sustainable Singing Career

Presented by Dr. Regina Zona
of Singer Savvy Academy by the Zona Studio LLC

Piano Savvy for Singers

Gain clarity and confidence to define and create the singing career that you’ve always dreamt of

Create brand assets that will make an impression and get you noticed in the business

Arm yourself with a networking and marketing action plan that will bring you endless contacts and opportunities

As an Aspiring Professional Singer, You’ve Probably Heard This:

“If you’re good enough, you’ll make it…”

This is one of the biggest lies told to aspiring professional singers,
typically by someone else who was told the same thing when they were trying to build their career.

“Practice, practice, practice…”

Yes, you must have talent. You must be good at what you do.

If you want to have a successful singing career, though, you must become more than a practitioner. You must start running a business – the business of YOU, the performing artist. You must become a Savvy Singer CEO.


You didn’t go to business school. Chances are your education included few to none of the tools and knowledge you need to run a successful business.

And even if you took business or marketing classes, they certainly weren’t designed for singers…

 Perhaps even worse, if you did have some career classes for performers, they were probably taught by successful performers…not people who have ever run a successful BUSINESS.

The “hone your craft, build your resume, and just keep putting yourself out there” advice won’t cut it in today’s market. It takes more. You need real, tangible skills specific to your industry from the other side of the table.

Are You Tired of These Struggles?

  • Spending hours on your talent that aren’t reflected by your bank account balance
  • Working a full-time non-singing job and feeling exhausted when you finally have time to practice
  • Working multiple odd jobs and gigs to make ends meet
  • Feeling like there aren’t enough opportunities
  • Lack of recognition for your talent
  • Waiting for your “big break”
  • Not knowing what to do next to grow your singing career

It’s time to say goodbye to ALL of these frustrations and transform your passion for singing into a thriving profession NOW!

You’ve dreamed of this

You’ve seen it in your mind’s eye many times…stepping into the spotlight, captivating an audience with your incredible talent, and feeling the love as they pour out appreciation for your artistry…

You’re doing the kind of singing you love in places that respect you and your talent, professionally and financially. Money has become a non-issue because your talent is in-demand. You no longer operate from a place of survival. Now, you focus on experiences that maximize your creativity, leaving you re-inspired time and again…

You no longer wonder when your next gig will be – instead, you look to see where you’re headed next because your calendar is as full of singing engagements as you wish it to be…

But right now, there is a gap between the dream that you envision and the reality you’re living. That’s where the Savvy Singer CEO program can help. With the right tools and the right approach, you can build a strong brand, attract the right audience, and create opportunities that align with your artistic vision. The business of singing needs you to become a business.

Do you want to know who this program is for?



👉You want to be a working singer, with a full calendar and a reliable income.

👉You’ve got the training on your voice that you need, but you have no idea on how to market yourself in a way that gets you noticed in the industry.

👉You have dreams of that big career but have no idea on how to network so people know about you and want to hire you.

👉You are hustling to put yourself out there but are completely overwhelmed on how to manage a career when you have to work 2 and 3 “day jobs” just to make ends meet.

👉You want a straightforward, easy-to-follow system to design and create and run your dream singing career, without needing an MBA.



who want to do more than rely on the not-so-inclusive YAP circuit to build their career


who wish to be an obvious stand out in the line


who want to expand their audience and get booked in great venues


who wants to close the gap between their dream career as a singer and their current reality

Sound like you? Then let me introduce you to…



Piano Savvy for Singers

Savvy Singer CEO is an 8-week, all-inclusive program designed to help pre-professional opera, musical theatre, and cabaret singers to expand their talent into a full-time singing career.

With expert guidance, interactive videos, guided worksheets, and live Q&A sessions, all designed specifically for singers, you will cultivate your unique brand, transform into a confident entrepreneur, master the art of self-marketing, and take actionable steps towards turning your dream of being a successful working singer into a reality.

What’s Included

You’re about to have everything you need to close the gap between you and your singing career dreams at your fingertips. And you’ll do it with the “C.E.O. M.B.A.” Framework (see what I did there?):

Module 1: CLARITY

Defining Your Path to Success

Knowing you want to be a successful singer is not enough. It’s time to define YOUR version of success. In this part, you’ll get crystal clear on your unique brand, gain a deep understanding of who are as a singer, and create a foundation for everything you’re about to build. You will also begin to develop a growth mindset that will propel you forward, even when you face adversity.


Let’s Build Your Business

Building a business requires leadership, strategy, and vision. It also means you must be able to communicate your vision and develop relationships that will help to create opportunities. To be an entrepreneur, you must think like an entrepreneur. So we’ll continue to develop a mindset that allows you to see yourself as the CEO that you are, navigating the challenges and seizing the opportunities!



Creating Your Own Opportunities

Discover the best practices for communicating what you have to offer, including proactive ways to reach out to industry professionals such as managers, booking agents, casting agents, company/business owners, and other industry professionals to book auditions and work.

But you don’t need to rely solely on the “gatekeepers” to have a career. I’ll also show you how to create your own opportunities, such as curating your own concert series, producing cabaret shows, recording an album, or starting your own company – when you’re in charge, the sky’s the limit!



Stand Out and Shine

Your marketing materials should represent who you are, what you value, and what you offer, in a way that gets you noticed. If people are going to hire you or become fans, they must know you exist! We’ll cover how to present your brand to the world, both tangibly and online, in materials including your website, resume, press releases, bios, and social media.

 You’ll also discover what assets are most important for your brand portfolio and how to promote your events so you can develop and maintain an audience of fans!

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Module 5: BUSINESS

Turn Your Passion into Profit

Now it’s time to legitimize your art by turning it into a business. Develop a business plan, set goals, manage finances, explore fundraising options, and utilize technology for time and project management. When you run your singing career like a sustainable and profitable business venture, you can say goodbye to the fear of “hobby status” for good!

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Module 6: ACTION

Make It Happen

Sustaining a successful business in an ever-changing world requires lifelong learning, an eye for seeking out opportunity, and actionable steps to move everything forward. Here is where we will create tangible, actionable steps to get you moving and on track toward your goals. I’ll also show you some little-known ways to create multiple streams of income that enhance your business, and how philanthropy can be a game-changer for how you create art in the world.


Seeing your singing career take off is exciting! But there’s a lot of dedication required to this new side of your work, and it may feel like a lot. That’s why I’m making it easy for you with live support, expert advice, templates, and other additional resources.

Building a singing career often feels like a solo adventure, but you do NOT have to go it alone or re-invent the wheel!


Here’s what you’ll get in addition your Savvy Singer CEO core program:

Bonus 1: PRO Tips Videos

Get advice from active industry professionals sharing their expertise in video interviews on taxes, grant writing, and management for professional singers.

Bonus 2: Vision & Values Workbook

This comprehensive workbook will guide you through finding clarity in your art and business. Discover the values that drive your life, analyze your current positioning in the industry, and align your goals with your true artistic vision.

Bonus 3: Savvy Singer Swipe Files

Stand out from the crowd while easily creating effective publicity materials. From resumes and press releases to bios and media pitches, these swipe files will help you make a lasting impression in the industry without taking a ton of time!

Bonus 4: The Brand Kit

Create a cohesive brand that reflects your unique style and talent. The Brand Kit will help you to develop a consistent, recognizable presence that will make a memorable impression on your audience.

Bonus 5: Business Boss Workbook

From creating a business plan and operations manual to setting goals and managing your time effectively, this workbook will equip you with the means to take charge of the business side of your career.


Bonus 6: Money Matters Templates

Stay on top of your finances with the ultimate spreadsheet package! These templates include spreadsheets for budgets, tax receipt tracking, and fundraising checklists, as well as a service pricing calculator to help you keep organized and on top of your financial matters.

Bonus 7: Mindset Matter Deck

How you think along this journey is a big part of your success. Stay inspired and grounded every day of the year with a curated slide deck of 365 mindset quotes that you can use for years to come!

Bonus 8: Savvy CEO Resource List

Access my insider list of 100 resources to support every aspect of your career and business, including tech tools, charities, design and branding, marketing, consultants, money management, helpful books and websites, grant writing, and more. You won’t need to do all the research yourself – this list has you covered.


Bonus 9: Six (6) “Open Mic” Sessions

Every other week in between the release of each module, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in a live Q&A session. Get your questions answered and receive personalized guidance as you progress through each module.

Ready to close that gap and become a Savvy Singer CEO?

I want to share with you the story of an aspiring professional singer.

This singer, fresh out of music school, had big dreams of having a performing career. But it didn’t take her long to realize that she had this gap I’ve told you about, the one filled with unknowns and challenges that separated her dreams from her reality.

She was filled with passion, and she definitely had the vocal talent – but that was the extent of her skills. She didn’t have a clue about what it meant to market herself, to manage her finances as a freelancer, or how to build a business network. She had spent all her time becoming great at singing – but now she felt like she had been thrown into the deep end without knowing how to swim.

She struggled to find opportunities. She really didn’t know where to find the resources she needed. And speaking of swimming, she was also drowning in a sea of debt!

But this singer refused to let her circumstances define her. Instead of getting caught in an endless loop of doing things the same way and getting the same disappointing results, she made it her mission to learn everything she could about entrepreneurship.

She studied business strategies, sought out mentors, and applied the different marketing techniques she was learning to her singing career. Before long, she was seeing results – her plan was working!

Through trial and error, she discovered the missing information she needed to build a thriving singing career. She learned to market herself effectively, to manage her finances like a pro, and to create a professional network of individuals who supported and uplifted her. Her singing career started to take off and flourish when she started to treat it like a business.

Do you resonate with the beginning of this singer’s story? I certainly do because that singer was ME.

That’s me!

What I am most passionate about is guiding singers to find the best in themselves, the voice, and their art so that they can share their gifts with the world (and get PAID for it!).

This is why I created Savvy Singer CEO – to give YOU the knowledge and strategies that I used to become a business owner and transform my own career, so you can have a successful, fulfilling, financially sustainable singing career too!

Savvy Singer CEO is here to fill that gap between you and your dreams, the one that almost all singer training and education leaves behind.

This program will serve as your guide to the world of entrepreneurship, tailored specifically to your needs as an aspiring professional singer.

Praise for Savvy Singer CEO

The Savvy Singer CEO Program is a great opportunity. I learned so much about myself and how to grow to the next level. As an industry professional, Dr. Regina gave real lessons from real life experiences. The program has a video tutorials with downloadable worksheets. This program covers every aspect of a musicians career from understanding who you are as a musician, to building your business. No stone was left unturned. This program helps you expand your knowledge and prepare for a life as a musician.
Don’t miss this growth opportunity.

Ernestine H.

I was very pleased with the entire course. The way that the lessons were placed and their order felt very natural in their progression, and each module dove into many different aspects of the industry that will benefit me greatly in the years to come…My favorite part was the open mics, allowing for there to be time to ask poignant questions that don’t exactly get answered in a lesson or are more individualized….I found many [AHA] moments. The first came with my value sheet. I REALLY dug deep into the options and created some of my own, and I realized a lot of what I didn’t want.

Sebastiano L.

About this Whole Running a Business Thing…

Perhaps you’re thinking, Regina, running a business sounds about as exciting as memorizing the cartilages of the larynx. I just want to SING. I have great talent and I know I can do it! Isn’t that enough?

No. No it’s not.

In fact, that’s why most singers work other jobs and watch their singing career dreams give way to being a part-time gig or a hobby… They haven’t been focusing on the skills that would get them past the talent-only stage.

Thinking about being the CEO of a business can feel daunting, or even intimidating.

But don’t worry – I know this. After all, I’m a singer, too! That’s why everything in this program is designed to speak your language and resonate with your personality and skillset. (Whew!)

You won’t find monotonous assignments or confusing business jargon here – this was made for you, and you can do this!

The Savvy Singer CEO Program

Let’s Transform Your Singing Talent into Your Full-Time Singing Career

Piano Savvy for Singers

An 8-week, comprehensive program with 6 modules
delivered every other week based on
the “C.E.O. M.B.A.” Framework:

Module 1: Clarity – Define your version of success and create the foundation for your career

Module 2: Entrepreneurship – Take on the mind of a CEO with entrepreneurial skills including leadership, strategy, vision, and relationship development

Module 3: Opportunities – Discover opportunities through communicating what you have to offer and cultivating your own endeavors

Module 4: Marketing – Create, develop, and promote your brand through marketing materials, presence, and connection

Module 5: Business – Develop your business side so you can turn your passion into profit

Module 6: Action – Create and execute action steps to make your singing career successful and sustainable

With these additional bonuses designed
specifically for you to design, organize, and live
your dream career:

PRO Tips Videos – Industry experts share insights on taxes, grant writing, and management

Vision & Values Workbook – Clarify your vision, your values, and your position in the industry

Savvy Singer Swipe Files – Template for all your publicity needs

The Brand Kit – Create a consistent, recognizable, and memorable presence

Business Boss Workbook – Create the business side of your career

Money Matter Templates – Organize, track, and manage your finances with ease

Mindset Matter Deck – Stay grounded and inspired with a curated deck of 365 quotes

Savvy CEO Resource List – 100 resources to support every aspect of your career and business

Six (6) “Open Mic” Sessions – Live Q & A sessions between each module release

Expert guidance, interactive videos, guided worksheets, and live Q&A sessions, all designed specifically for singers:

Have a question? See if your answer is here.

How does the Savvy Singer CEO program work?

Once you enroll in Savvy Singer CEO, you will receive… In August, you will receive an email notifying you that the first module has dropped. You can login, watch the videos and start working on your worksheets. That week, there will be a live Q&A online where you can submit questions on your work in that first module and I will answer them so you will have the opportunity to get personalized feedback.

A new module will be dropped every week with 2 “catch-up weeks” for you to work on your worksheets and the live Q&A sessions will happen in the weeks that the modules drop.

I will be there with you all the way through your journey to create your dream career!

Do I have to be at a certain level my career to do this program?

This program has been specifically designed for aspiring professional opera, musical theatre, and cabaret singers. There is no singing “level” required! If you want to have the knowledge and tools that will allow you to have a full-time, financially successful and sustainable singing career, this program is for you.

What can I expect to learn and achieve by the end of the Savvy Singer CEO program?

By the end of this program, you will possess the knowledge and tools you need to cultivate a full-time singing career. Obviously, no one can guarantee that you will have a career, as there are factors I cannot account for, but I can guarantee that you will have the tools you need beyond the talent to make it happen.

How will this program help me discover my unique identity as a singer and what I want from my career?

One of the goals of this program is to empower you to define your version of success and exactly who you are as a singer. There are program materials that specifically address this, and you can receive additional support and insight around this on the live Q&A calls!

How long will it take before I see results?

There are many factors that affect the timing of success. Some of those are within your control, and some of them are not. Building a successful, full-time career takes time, consistency, and perseverance. Do not expect to be an “overnight success” – even the people you see who seem to have done this have back stories that you don’t know. wink If you have something to offer, and you commit to doing the business part of the work, you should see results.

Do I have to start my own company?

No. As a singer, you *are* your own company. Unless you want to operate under a different name, your name is your business name. You will need to consult a tax advisor if you wish to discuss creating a company entity, such as an LLC or a partnership, as that is beyond the scope of this program.

Will you be able to provide financial or legal advice for my career during the program?

No. Under no circumstances will you receive financial or legal advice. You must consult a tax advisor, a financial advisor, or a lawyer if you wish to receive financial and/or legal advice.

I’m not good at marketing myself. Can someone else do this for me?

Yes and no. While you can hire someone to help you with your materials, write copy, run your social media, and do publicity for you, you must be able to communicate to that person exactly who you are as a singer and what your vision is. You will need to do some of the work first no matter what. And if you don’t have the money to hire someone, this is your chance to gain confidence and know-how to market yourself, with lots of templates and support along the way – you can do it!

Will the live Q&A calls be recorded?

Yes! Every other week, in between the release of each module, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers on a live call. It is recommended that you show up during the call, and if it’s not possible than you can listen to the recordings of the calls. If you have a question you would like answered, you can submit them before the call and I will answer them in the call. You never know when someone else might ask a question that would greatly benefit you!

Will I have access to ongoing support and guidance after completing the course?

As a Savvy Singer CEO, you will have LIFETIME access to the course materials and you will have an opportunity to ask questions in the community forum any time once the live course is over. And as an alumni, you will be able to rejoin the live program anytime for free when it returns and get the live feedback you need.

Still have questions? Let’s Chat!

Look for the Message Icon in the Bottom Corner of This Page

This is Your Chance to Close the Gap

If you feel like you have been guessing at how to get your singing career off the ground, or you’ve been going around in circles with the same hit-and-miss opportunities, or you’re tired and frustrated by the lack of progress you’ve been able to make, the Savvy Singer CEO program is your chance to change the narrative and take control of your future.

Imagine what you could do if you had the keys to the mysterious path leading to success in the performance industry. This program contains those keys. It was designed so you wouldn’t have to struggle trying to figure it all out yourself. For many, that struggle is so frustrating that they give up before they fulfill their dream. I don’t want that to be you!

There’s no “magic pill” here – building your career takes work beyond your talent, and Savvy Singer CEO contains practical, actionable steps to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed. If you’re willing to commit to doing the work, this could be the life-changing catalyst that propels you into your dream of having a full-time singing career.

You won’t have to do it alone.

You’ll have someone who understands your challenges, has been successful in the opera, music theatre, and cabaret industries, and has the experience as a business owner walking along side you, sharing insight and cheering you on.

If you’re ready to start that journey, the time is now. Let’s get you the knowledge and tools you need to transform your talent into the full-time, successful and sustainable singing career you want and deserve.

Here’s to creating your future!

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*To take advantage of the Buy Now, Pay Later Option, choose Klarna or AfterPay in the Payment Options in the Checkout. Once you have entered all of your personal details, you will be redirected to another site to set up your payment plan.